Sunday, 12 December 2010

NOISE draft - Double Page Spread

Like the other 2 posts, I think that my double page spread has the potential to be really authentic looking. It just needs to be altered slightly. I really like the images I have chosen, and I think the red boxes with question and answers from the band look really good and make the actual article itself seem more authentic, so i will definately be keeping those. However, it's not perfect. I would like to change:
  • The font size - after printing it out on paper, I have realised that the font is just too big to look like a real magazine. Again, this is good news for me, because there was more that I wanted to use, but couldn't fit into the article. in addition, the picture captions also need to have a smaller font.
  • I want to try and use more pictures and/or red Q&A boxes.

NOISE draft - Front Cover

I like my draft front cover because I think it had the potential to look really authentic, and I think it looks like it's almost there in terms of looking like a true music magazine that could be sold in a newsagents. I think the content is fine, and doesn't need to be improved, because there is the main cover line, bottom line articles and then the pugs and puffs too (the features of a magazine). However, I am aware that there are areas of my front cover that really need to be worked on, particularly the 'look', I need to make sure that it doesn't look amateur. These are the things I aim to change and improve:
  • Masthead - for some reason, it looks asif the 'O' has dropped, so a simple edit to bring that back up and import it into my front cover will not take me long.
  • The Main Image - I am happy with the image itself, but I would like to cut the models out of the background so that I can have a completely white background, and then have them covering the masthead perhaps, because this will really tie in with the rebelliousness of a rock magazine. I really like that I have already started to show some rebelliousness in the fact that Jake challenges the convention 'look at the camera' pose, with his fingers in his ears. This works particuarly well because Adam is stood next him just looking at the camera, so there is an immediate contrast, which ties in with the bands ethos and the rock magazine rebellious nature.
  • The Puff - 'New!! Album Reviews'. This, i feel, doesn't quite match the style that I have gone for, so I think to improve this I will either cut it out or use an effect to make it look more like it fits in with the rock ethos of the magazine.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

NOISE draft - Contents

I think that this is my strongest feature of my magazine, because it looks the most authentic. However, when it comes to making my actual magazine a few things need to be tweaked. The most minor of these are:
  •  Font size - this needs to be smaller, because I have printed out my contents page and realised that it is actually far too big for a magazine. This is a good thing really, because there were a lot more things i wanted to put up and say on the contents, and this will now give me the opportunity to do so.
  • Grammatical errors - all I need to do there to improve is properly read what I have put and make sure that is it correct. Also, I need to check that what is meant to be bold is bold.
The bigger amendments are;
  • I need to add in more pictures that suit the articles. This will then help me to get better marks because it means i have a greater range of pictures, not just the ones on the double page spread.
  • I also need to add in more articles, because I chose my font size too big which meant I couldn't fit enough on. I may also try to add in an advertisement too for maybe a subscription to NOISE magazine.

House Style

Colour Scheme:
My colour scheme will be Red, Black, White and Orange.
I have decided this through experimentation with my masthead.
I created a black and white masthead, and a red and black masthead, and put them against a picture to see which looked better. From the pictures below I have decided to use the red and black masthead for NOISE magazine.

Cover Lines:
Coverlines will be written in the same font as the masthead. I am planning on using white or red for them. I will see which look better when i contruct my magazine.

Particularly in the contents, my headlines will look the same as the masthead, but with an orange background.

Captions will be written using the font; Franklin Gothic Demi, and white/red colour (the opposite of the Cover Line).

Body Text:
Body text will all be in Franklin Gothic Medium font, and white writing.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Sketched ideas for my magazine

Front Cover:
This just gives me an idea of spacing for my front cover, and what I can include.

This again, is an idea of spacing for my contents page, and how many photos I'd like to use in it. I have tried to fill the space as much as possible, so I may have to cut some of this out when i actually come to contructing it.

Double Page Spread:

This is the least detailed sketch, because I know this will be the hardest to do. When I construct this, I will need to experiment around more than the front cover and contents, so I have just played around with spacing on this plan, so that I have a rough idea of what I want to achieve.


On the 10th December, I organised a photoshoot for the main band of my magazine.


1. Studio shoots for cover
This was shot in my living room, with a white sheet against the wall as a backdrop.
Little to no props were used, because I wanted it to be just them and nothing else. They don't need proof of being in a rock band, because they will be on the cover of NOISE magazine, and as they aren't live gig pictures there's no need for instrumental props. I chose this location because I thought it would be easiest to try and recreate a studio styled picture.

These were the images;


As you can see, I have started to experiment with editing on a couple of the pictures. I think i will use the one with the fingers plugged into the ears as my cover photo, as it will match the ethos of the magazine. The larger images are ones that i feel i could use - with the correct editing etc.

2. Double-page spread shots
For these shots, we used my garden as the backdrop. I had the park as a backup plan incase I wanted more choice. This was the case in the end, so we trekked up to the park and used the benches, swings, roundabout, and trees in general to create some 'DO I GIVE A DAMN' pictures. I chose this location because with it being winter I thought this would create a good backdrop for the band, and with the magazine being a november issue, it would tie into the seasonal aspect of the magazine.

These images are a mix between the serious rock pose, and the more crazy 'yes we don't care if it's childish' poses. I think these will go well with the article I have drafted for my double page spread. I have also edited some of these pictures, just to experiement with how I might adjust them for use in the magzine. The larger images are the ones I think would be best for the magazine, but this is subject to change during the construction.


Jake: I chose to have Jake in the superman t-shirt with black skinny jeans because it creates the image of a person who doesn't take himself too seriously, and is influenced by the rock genre. In the outdoor pictures, I chose him to wear that particular coat because the all in black again is associated with the rock genre, but it's not a metal band, they still wear pretty normal clothing for young people and this is reflected in that. I asked him to wear Dunlop trainers because they look good with the image I was trying to create. I also asked him to wear the purple fingerless gloves because this makes him look more like a person that doesn't care about appearance, which is a rock star attitude.

Adam: I chose to have Adam in the dark wash-out top because it suggests that he doesn't care about dressing up. I put this with dark blue skinnys again that are influenced with the rock genre too. In the outdoor pictures he's also wearing a dark coat, which is much lighter material than Jakes. This is because I wanted him to look fashionable in a way that doesn't make it look like he's tried too hard, which would match the bands image of a Blink 182 style 'out for the laughs' guys. He's wearing casual pumps too, which goes well with the rock image I was trying to create.


I chose to use a guitar as a prop because most Rock uses guitars. However, I chose an acoustic guitar because most rock is played on electric, so it makes sense to smash up the guitar they are less likely to use. I used the swings as a prop because it puts emphasis on the fact that 'Still Nameless' are a band that don't take themselves too seriously.

Influences - Target audience

I have been researching into the rock genre and looking at the conventions of rock magazines. This is an issue of Kerrang! that shows the cockyness of rockers. The fact that the masthead is almost completely submerged shows K! confidence in being recognisable, and the body language of Pete and Patrick from Fall Out Boy show their cocky attitude; like they don't care and this is what they are so deal with it.
I like the main coverline going through the image, and the other coverlines at the bottom. This will be a technique i adopt when i do my magazine.

This is not a rock magazine, it's a 'London-culture' magazine. What i really like about i-D magazine, is that each cover star adopts an 'emoticon' face, asif they're creating their own version of i-D flipped round. I like how this captures the ethos of the magazine. I can use this in NOISE because of the hazard sign I have used as the 'O', and have one actor standing with his hands over his ears. I will try this with my actors and see if this works on a mock cover.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Publication Plan

Before I start to draft my final magazine, I have put together this publication plan, which will give me some guidelines and somewhere to start for my final piece.

Masthead: I have come up with 4 different masthead styles for 'NOISE', using the same hazard-sign image for the 'O'.


 Any of these would look really good on my magazine, but I think the best would be the two in the right-hand column. I will experiment with these, and see which looks best on my magazine cover.

Positioning of the statement/selling line: I really like selling lines that cut through the main image. I think these look rebellious and that fits the stereotype of a rock magazine. In NOISE mag, the selling line will cut across the main image.

Frequency of Publication: Looking at other rock magazines, there is no 'trend' as to when they are published. E.g. K! is published every wednesday but Rock Sound is published monthly. NOISE mag will be published monthly, because I think monthly magazines have more flexibility in what they publish, because there is so much to put in. Whereas this would be harder to achieve in a weekly magazine.

Price: Most monthly magazines are priced inbetween £3.50-£4.50. NOISE mag will cost £4.00, purely because that is how they average out.

Distribution: this is the link to the website that distributes over 80 'influential media brands' ranging from K! magazine to FHM. They also own the 'Big City Network' which is a group of 20 local radio stations.

Rationale: My magazine will offer Rock music fans, news, interviews, exclusives, and competitions. It will dig into the lives of their favourite rock artists to give them an insight of what they do on tour or just at home in their 'free-time'. The competitions will give them the chance to meet their favourite bands, travel maybe, or win free tickets to gigs, free merchandise etc. It will also be a place where they can order band merchandise safely, and without the risk of being conned. It will have tour dates, gig reviews and fan mail pages so that it is a fully interactive magazine, where the consumers can have their say in what goes in.

Style: My target audience will be rock music fans, therefore my magazine will be quite rebellious and suit the rock genre.

Regular Content: The regular content in NOISE magazine will be;
The 'mail' page - where the consumers can send in their pictures/thoughts/messages etc
Tour info - There will always be a page dedicated to listing the upcoming tours of the rock bands the consumers will love
Artist Features - there will always be an artist feature/interview because those are the articles that consumers prefer.
Posters- in every issue, there will be at least A4 posters of bands that my target audience will love.

Feature content: The feature content in NOISE magazine will be;
Unmissable competitions - the chance to meet a band you love, VIP tickets to gigs etc...
Giant posters
Exclusive interviews that reveal things fans would love to hear but would never have known.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Questionnaire Results and Analysis

I handed out the questionnaire (as shown in my previous post) to 10 randomly selected people. These are the results I have found;

Do you read music magazines?
80% said Yes
20% said No
This tells me that the majority of my results are from music mag readers, and are therefore quite valid.

If yes, when do you buy music magazines?
20% said Weekly
20% said Fortnightly
30% said Monthly
0% said Annually
30% said Other (2 do not buy magazines, and one person said they do whenever Paramore is on the cover)

From these results, I can conclude that the release of my magazine can be very flexible. It will probably be a monthly/weekly magazine, as they are most popular and what I would have chosen too.

Do you think 'NOISE' is a good name for a Rock Magazine? Why?
80% said Yes - It's catchy/appropriate/original/relates to genre/ironic, in the way it 'mocks' what others could think about rock music.

20% said No - it gives bad connotations to music.

The fact that the majority liked the name tells me it is a good name for a rock magazine, and I am definitely keeping it. I disagree with the 20% that said no, as i don't think it gives a bad connotation at all, but the majority wins, so NOISE mag it is.

What images would you expect to see on the Front Cover?
80% said Band/Artist studio shoots
10% said Gig photos
10% said Other - awards pictures

The prefered result was clearly the Band/Artist studio shoots, which is what i was hoping to do anyway. 'Awards Pictures' was a bit too vague for me, and I don't fully understand the idea behind it. I will use a studio shoot for my front cover because of this result.

What images would you expect to see inside the magazine?
0% said Studio
10% said Gig
90% said Mixture

From this landslide win, I can concur that a mixture of photo-styles should be used inside my magazine.

What colours would you associate with a Rock Magazine? Why?
I gave no options for this, so people just came up with their own colours accompanied with their own reasons.

The people said;
Black: 9 votes
Red: 7 votes
White: 2 votes
Orange: 1 vote
Yellow: 1 vote

Black and Red are by far the most popular, and I am really happy with this result, because in my mind I was already considering a black/red/white theme to my magazine. The reasons behind black and red were mainly things like 'Rockers wear a lot of black and red'. However, some really good explanations were things like 'Red is a loud clashing colour, which matches the ethos of the magazine and would look really good with Black'.

What articles would you prefer to read?
(more than one box can be ticked)
Reviews : 4 votes
Artist features/Interviews: 10 votes
Q & A's: 4 votes
Music News: 4 votes
Non-Music News: 0 votes

It is clear from the results that everyone prefers to read music related articles in music magazines. However, as i only have one double-page spread, I think i will do an Artist feature/interview because everyone who did my questionnaire said that they would prefer to read this style of article.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Questionnaire for my music magazine

I have constructed a questionnaire that will help me decide what to include in my magazine. These are the questions I came up with;

I will be handing these out this week ad collating the data soon

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Masthead Name Ideas

Because I want to do a rock magazine, I need a name that has the right sort of edge to it.

My intial idea was 'Rock Mag' but we can all agree that that is plain and boring. Then is progressed to 'The New Sound' but TNS just sounded like a disease to me, and didn't sound like a title that would sell on a magazine stand. My next idea was 'Rock Noise' which I thought had that edge I needed and would seem like an authentic selling magazine.
        However, it sounded too much like 'Rock Sound' so I have decided to use 'NOISE' as my final masthead for my coursework piece.

My Music Magazine Investigations

I have been looking at the types of double-page spreads that are featured in magazines. I have come up with a list of 10 types that cover all articles I have seen in music magazines;
  1. Album reviews (one main feature/new releases)
  2. Artist interviews
  3. News features (music related)
  4. Artist features
  5. Double-paged adverts
  6. Non-Music news features
  7. Q & A's
  8. Live music reviews
  9. Mail (fan mail)
  10. Editorials
My First Thoughts:
 I have decided that my genre will be a rock magazine like KERRANG! or Rock Sound, because that is the type of music I am interested in and therefore I know what i would expect to see in a rock magazine.

The main image on my front cover will be a studio picture, because I think that gig pictures look better inside the magazine.

I haven't decided on an article yet for my double-page spread, but I have narrowed it down to two. It will either be an Artist Feature or an Artist Interview. I think that either will be the best type of article for me to write, because they are the articles i enjoy reading in magazines, and therefore I should be more successful when it comes to writing it. Also, I will be able to encorporate more studio styled pictures into it.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Remake/Remodel - KERRANG! mag

For this magazine, I have taken KERRANG!'s themes and encorporated them into a magazine that I have made using my own headlines and photography for the main image.

I have used the KERRANG! masthead conventionally at the top of the magazine, because this is part of the house style to K!

For the main image, I wanted the model to have a Courtney Love meets Kate Moss look of, 'I'm too cool to care'. Jessie has achieved this buy looking at the camera as if to say 'Yeah, and what?', and leaning forward. In looking at the camera, direct address is created which entices a reader to buy the magazine. Her scruffy hair, black eyeliner and black clothing at to this Rock sheek look, that really works on the cover of K!. She is also the main feature of the magazine and therefore matches the ethos of this issue. I have used high-key lighting to emphasize how glamorous she is.

For the main coverline, I have decided to have it cutting through the main image, because the model is a new rock singer, and it means I could put a name to the face straight away. I used her name as a main part to the title, and then did a puff underneath to say what the article is about.

I haven't conventionally done other coverlines, because when i looked at the last K! mag i bought, they had the cover lines at the very bottom of the page. I have used this idea, and on the red strip at the bottom I have put in some other articles about more bands that would feature in this magazine.

On the right hand side, I have chosen to use a pug. The pug offers bands that played at the 'Warped Tour'. I literally took the 1st 4 bands that popped into my head that match the genre of K! mag. I inserted the pictures into publisher, resized them, added a border, then grouped them together. I also added in titles for each photo. I put 'FREE' in the largest font because that is what the audience will see, and will be attracted by to buy the magazine.

I have placed the barcode above the bottom coverlines, as K! aren't too fussy about where they put the barcode. The date and price are just above it.

I used publisher to create this, because I wanted to see if it was better than word. I think the final product definatley looks more proffesional on publisher, and I will use it more in future for tasks like this.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Q - front cover

The masthead is conventional as it is in the top left third of the magazine. The main image dominates part of the masthead which suggests that this is a mass marketed magazine.

The main image co-incides with the 'title' next to the masthead, as this magazine is about the band 'Muse'. It uses high-key lighting, with a blueish colour as a shadow effect, which is a theme created with the 'blue corner' above 'Muse' and the blue text.

The main coverline is unconventional, and is at the top of the page.

'50 acts you must see' is a pug, which entices the audience into buying this magazine so they can read it.

The barcode is in the bottom left hand corner, which is conventional.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Rock Sound - double paged spread

I chose this double paged spread because isif very different to the other articles I have looked at. Firstly, although featured on the cover page, it is not related to the main images like the KERRANG! and NME double-page spreads. In addition, it is a different style, as it's not questions asked by a journalist, they are questions from fans. This leads us to the subject of the article, which is the Cancer Bats, and their answers to questions sent in by fans.

The text is written in columns, and the uses of bold and italics differentiate questions from answers. The image supports the text too, and the band are holding up pieces of paper with the selected questions written on them.

The vocabulary is quite simple, sometimes vulgar, but humorous and easy to read.

Rock Sound - Contents

 Rock Sound magazine have two contents pages; one for main feature, and one for everything else.

Main Features page

A large image is used in the background, which almost makes this look like a second cover page.

Other pictures on the left hand side indicate articles about certain bands. They also have page numbers on the pictures, which are written in the house style of Rock Sound.

On the right we have the other main stories under a heading of 'Main Features'. The titles and page numbers are all within the house style too.

Features page

A note from the editor is on this page, at the top right. These tend to feature in a lot of magazine, so i think i may consider this for my music magazine.

There are more images which support other articles.

The font is all kept within the house style.

Recycled sign at the bottom show's that Rock Sound is doing their bit. It will appeal to the masses and possibly encourage others to recycle too. It gives the message of 'It's cool to care'.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Rock Sound - Front Cover

The masthead is conventional, and it creates a house style with the white font and font style.

The top coverline is a pug, because it advertses an exclusive CD and a competition.

The main image dominates the masthead, which shows that this is a mass-marketed, recognisable magazine. It uses low-key lighting, to achieve a moody look, which obviously is part of this bands image. Blocking was probably used to achieve this composition. The eye contact creates direct address to the reader.

The main coverline is on the left hand side which is conventional to magazines. It uses a triple to entice the reader, 'The past, the present, the future'.

The coverlines are situated in the bottom right hand corner, which isn't conventional to magazines.

There is a puff at the top of the page, 'MCR...'. Another puff is in the bottom left corner, where bands are mentioned.

The barcode is also inconventional as it is in the bottom right, rather than the left.  The price and date are above the barcode, along with a web address.

KERRANG! - Double page spread


The subject of this article is the same as the image and main coverline on the front cover - Paramore. The article tells the reader about the success Paramore have had this year, and talks about the highs and lows of the band. It is accompanied with images of the band too.

The article itself is written in columns and continues onto a third page (there are 5 pages in total), all about the bands sucess and how things are looking for the future. The images support the text too, as they show photos of Paramore through the year whether it's backstage, recording or just chilling.

All over the 5 pages, there are the 'note-pad' styled puffs of informtation, which have answers to questions from the whole band. Hayley is, however, the main focus of the article because she performed the actual interview, with a little help from bassist Jeremy Davies. There are also quotes from the text written over some pictures. I like this idea because it emphasizes some important pieces of the article.

The vocabulary is quite simple, which emphasises the conversational tone to the article. This, as with NME, ensures an easy read, and again emphasises a varied audience who enjoy music.

KERRANG! - Contents page

Like with NME, the other coverline from the front cover becomes he main focal point; e.g. Marilyn Manson. A lebel gives the name of the artist and the page number of the article.

There is a title to indicate contents, which is winthin the house style as it uses the same font as the front cover. The title also shows the date and the issue number.

Two of the bands featured in the bottom/top coverlines are also featured with an image in the contents page, next to Manson.

The other pages are featured beneath subtitles using the KERRANG! font and contents 'yellow' contents theme (follows house style).

Stories that are featured on the front cover are idictaed by a converse-style sumbol saying 'cover story'. I like this idea, and it emphasizes the articles people bought the magazine for, so they don't have to search.

The captions underneath the bold titles use a lot of personal pronouns e.g. 'you'll be mad to miss this!' The 'mad' and 'miss' is also alliteration. Superlatives like 'finest', 'biggest' and 'newest' are used too. These languages devices are used to effect to draw in the reader, but the vocabulary is simple, which shows that this is produced for a wider demographic of music lovers that don't neccessarily have to be very educated. It shows that this is a mass-marketing magazine for everyone, of any age (teen plus) and ability.

There is also an advertisment for a magazine subcription, which was also on the NME magazine.

Monday, 15 November 2010

KERRANG! - front cover

The masthead creates a house style because of the unique font that it is written in. It is a conventional masthead because it is situated at the top of the magazine.

The top coverline is a puff, because it advertises a celeb article. I like this idea because it looks cool and it makes the magazine seem packed with great info. There is also another puff, which is a bottom coverline. I may use these in my final coursework piece!

The main image dominates the masthead, which shows that KERRANG! is so well known that it can still be recogniseable with half the title obscured. It shows it's for a mass marketed audience. The lighting is quite natural, and Hayley is directly looking at the camera and winking, which appeals to the reader.

The main coverline cuts across the body of the main image. They're dependant upon each other as the article is about Hayley's band Paramore. It also works as a puff because it shows an exclusive artivle. The 'Plus!' caption underneath is a pug as it entices the audience with more reasons to buy/read.

Pugs; The left hand side is dominated with a pug, 'FREE 4 giant posters'. There is also one at the bottom of the page, 'win a trip to Barbados to record an album'. On this pug, the use of different sized fonts emphasize different words.

The other coverline is situated above barcode on the bottom right, this is unconventional. As is the barcode, which is normally in the bottom left. This shows a rock magazine not afraid to bend a few rules.

The date/price is on the barcode, as well as the KERRANG! web address.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

NME - double page spread

The subject of the double page spread is the main coverline and image on the front cover. This is conventional to a magazine, because the main coverline should be the biggest article within the magazine itself. The article itself is about the bands journey from their 'emo' image when they first started to their new image which Gerard Way describes as 'pop-art'.

The writing is all in columns, and there are images to support the text (one of their fans at a gig, and another of the lead singer, as he is the person who is being interviewed). The font is very small.

There are two other features in the two pages; A timeline of the singer's image over the years (which supports overal content of the article) and MCR's new album's rating at the bottom of the page.

The vocabulary is pretty simple, and words that people who are interested in music are used. Expletives are left in, which is typical of the 'rock' image (supporting the content).

The tone of the article is colloquial, which ensures an easy read. This shows that it is aimed at any reading ability who enjoys music.

NME - Contents Page

The contents page for NME magazine, does not seem to follow the house style. E.g. the font is different to the one used on the front cover. However, the same font is used for a caption underneath the masthead 'New Musical Express'. The colour of the font is no longer white either, it is black.

The title is not 'contents' as people might obviously expect a contents page to be labeled, NME have instead decided to use 'Inside This Week', which I think is more appealing to the reader. It's not boring and it creates the image that they are revealing something big that the reader will care about. It's another advertising method which I would like to use in my final coursework piece. The date is also underneath it.

In the bottom left hand corner the name of the photographer is printed.

The main coverline from the front cover isn't the main focus of the contents page, but it is the first picture on the left hand column. The second coverline from the front cover is the main focus of the contents. The 'Suede' comeback article is central to the contents, and uses the biggest picture. I think this is done as a further selling point, as the reader may have missed the coverline on the front cover, but they can see it more clearly in the contents.

The page numbers artistically eat into the images, so they stand out.

The 'plus' column gives extra information about what else is in the magazine. These pages aren't main selling pages, but are what the more loyal readers will be most interested in. It is a small column as they don't 'sell' the magazine.

An advert is used in the bottom right hand corner, which shows a Christmas deal for an NME subscription. It's a seasonal offer, which shows that adverts should be relevant to upcoming events.

Friday, 12 November 2010

NME - front cover

In the top left third of the magazine, we have the Masthead and the date/price. This is conventional to a magazine, as the masthead is usually situated in the top left hand corner.

The main image supports the main coverline, as he is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. The image uses high key lighting, and he is making eye contact with the reader. His face dominates the page in this midshot, which means the camera was on a slight angle when this picture was taken. He is glaring at the camera which ties in with the main coverline 'We loathe...'.
It is conventional to magazines to have the main image as a mid-shot, and for the main cover line to be supported by it.

The main coverline is at the bottom of the magazine, which is unconventional to magazines. It uses different fotn sizes to capture the audiences attention in an unchronological order. 'My Chemical Romance' is in the largest font, as that is the initial draw to this issue, the smaller fonts give the finer details about the subject of the article inside.

Puffs; the first puff is the 'NME awards tour..' in the top right hand corner. This offers an exclusive you would only find in a music magazine. Another puff is the main coverline, as it offers a celeb article. The artists names on the right hand side is also a puff, as it is celeb related. The other cover line (Suede comeback interview) is also a puff, as it is a celeb exclusive. All the celebrities in music magazines are music artists, therefore when i make my own magazine, I should only include people related to the music industry.

Pug; 'Free Mick Rock Posters' is a pug because they are appealing to the reader.

The font is all the same style, and the majority is white. This shows how NME sticks to a house style.

The barcode, date and price are in the bottom left of the magazine, this is conventional to any magazine.