Saturday, 11 December 2010

House Style

Colour Scheme:
My colour scheme will be Red, Black, White and Orange.
I have decided this through experimentation with my masthead.
I created a black and white masthead, and a red and black masthead, and put them against a picture to see which looked better. From the pictures below I have decided to use the red and black masthead for NOISE magazine.

Cover Lines:
Coverlines will be written in the same font as the masthead. I am planning on using white or red for them. I will see which look better when i contruct my magazine.

Particularly in the contents, my headlines will look the same as the masthead, but with an orange background.

Captions will be written using the font; Franklin Gothic Demi, and white/red colour (the opposite of the Cover Line).

Body Text:
Body text will all be in Franklin Gothic Medium font, and white writing.

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