Thursday, 2 December 2010

Questionnaire Results and Analysis

I handed out the questionnaire (as shown in my previous post) to 10 randomly selected people. These are the results I have found;

Do you read music magazines?
80% said Yes
20% said No
This tells me that the majority of my results are from music mag readers, and are therefore quite valid.

If yes, when do you buy music magazines?
20% said Weekly
20% said Fortnightly
30% said Monthly
0% said Annually
30% said Other (2 do not buy magazines, and one person said they do whenever Paramore is on the cover)

From these results, I can conclude that the release of my magazine can be very flexible. It will probably be a monthly/weekly magazine, as they are most popular and what I would have chosen too.

Do you think 'NOISE' is a good name for a Rock Magazine? Why?
80% said Yes - It's catchy/appropriate/original/relates to genre/ironic, in the way it 'mocks' what others could think about rock music.

20% said No - it gives bad connotations to music.

The fact that the majority liked the name tells me it is a good name for a rock magazine, and I am definitely keeping it. I disagree with the 20% that said no, as i don't think it gives a bad connotation at all, but the majority wins, so NOISE mag it is.

What images would you expect to see on the Front Cover?
80% said Band/Artist studio shoots
10% said Gig photos
10% said Other - awards pictures

The prefered result was clearly the Band/Artist studio shoots, which is what i was hoping to do anyway. 'Awards Pictures' was a bit too vague for me, and I don't fully understand the idea behind it. I will use a studio shoot for my front cover because of this result.

What images would you expect to see inside the magazine?
0% said Studio
10% said Gig
90% said Mixture

From this landslide win, I can concur that a mixture of photo-styles should be used inside my magazine.

What colours would you associate with a Rock Magazine? Why?
I gave no options for this, so people just came up with their own colours accompanied with their own reasons.

The people said;
Black: 9 votes
Red: 7 votes
White: 2 votes
Orange: 1 vote
Yellow: 1 vote

Black and Red are by far the most popular, and I am really happy with this result, because in my mind I was already considering a black/red/white theme to my magazine. The reasons behind black and red were mainly things like 'Rockers wear a lot of black and red'. However, some really good explanations were things like 'Red is a loud clashing colour, which matches the ethos of the magazine and would look really good with Black'.

What articles would you prefer to read?
(more than one box can be ticked)
Reviews : 4 votes
Artist features/Interviews: 10 votes
Q & A's: 4 votes
Music News: 4 votes
Non-Music News: 0 votes

It is clear from the results that everyone prefers to read music related articles in music magazines. However, as i only have one double-page spread, I think i will do an Artist feature/interview because everyone who did my questionnaire said that they would prefer to read this style of article.

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