Monday, 25 October 2010

Codes and Conventions II

Using DTP, I have made another front cover for a magazine called 'Freedom', which targets people interested in Society, Arts, and Culture ('culture vultures'). Therefore it is for a niche audience.

  • The theme behind this magazine is 'Big Brother', in the sense of 'being watched' rather than the TV programme, as the people this magazine targets would recognise how much society is watched today and the article about CCTV would evoke feelings of contempt for higher authority's that try to contain 'free spirits' (AKA, Freedom readers). The theme and the main coverline also tie in with the audience, as it targets people interested in society and culture.
  • The masthead is situated at the bottom of the cover, which goes against the conventions of a magazine. This again shows the target audience, as it's artistic to push boundaries.
  • The 2nd coverline is also a puff, offering an exclusive within the magazine. The language techniques that I have used are; alliteration and the use of the personal pronoun 'your', to engage the reader.
  • I have put in a pug at the bottom of the page entitled 'Win Win Win' advertising a photography competition, which again mirrors the audience that is interested in culture and the arts.
  • The colours and fonts are all within the house style
  • Barcode and date do not go against the conventions of a magazine, and they are situated in the bottom left hand corner

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