Saturday, 23 October 2010

Codes and Conventions

I have created a front cover for a magazine called FILM_ X
It is a niche market magazine aimed at a cult film audience

  • The Masthead contradicts the normal conventions of a magazine, as it is on the side rather than on the top left of th page. This shows that this magazine is aimed at a niche market.
  • I have used a puff in the middle of the page to show the exclusive interview FILM_ X have in this magazine. I chose to put it straight through the middle of the main image, because this also contradicts the normal conventions of a magazine, as puffs and pugs don't normally cut the main image in half. The puff also shows the main cover line. Another cover line is beneath it, which I have used a triple in, and made it personal to the reader through the repetition of 'your'.
  • The pug at the top of the page offers tickets to a film premiere, which is something you would find mainly in 'film' magazines. I have used a rhetorical question here.
  • I have kept the font style and colour within the House Style; style - Candara, colour - Red, Black and White.
  • The date and price is in the top left hand corner
  • The barcode is in the bottom left hand corner

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