Thursday 18 November 2010

Rock Sound - Contents

 Rock Sound magazine have two contents pages; one for main feature, and one for everything else.

Main Features page

A large image is used in the background, which almost makes this look like a second cover page.

Other pictures on the left hand side indicate articles about certain bands. They also have page numbers on the pictures, which are written in the house style of Rock Sound.

On the right we have the other main stories under a heading of 'Main Features'. The titles and page numbers are all within the house style too.

Features page

A note from the editor is on this page, at the top right. These tend to feature in a lot of magazine, so i think i may consider this for my music magazine.

There are more images which support other articles.

The font is all kept within the house style.

Recycled sign at the bottom show's that Rock Sound is doing their bit. It will appeal to the masses and possibly encourage others to recycle too. It gives the message of 'It's cool to care'.

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